What Value Does A Website Bring You?
Many great programs either don't have a website or it's just a one-way information center on the web, and often isn't up to date. You have no idea who has clicked through your web pages, how long they visited, the horses they were most interested in, or how to get ahold of them if they left your site. Many have very primitive way of storing your visitor's contact info if at all. But this is huge if you want to keep them informed.
Equine Elite can change all that for you for a fraction of the cost that other web designers charge. We also have the added benefit of having a background in equine genetics, knowledge of disorders, as well as color genetics, terminology, equine photography, marketing, and custom logo designing to help give full and consise information about your horses.
We offer the option of having it designed then you managing it yourself if your tech savey! Or hands free and affordable updating by us for quick updates without you having to worry about the tools and technologies involved. Whatever is the right fit for YOU!
A website fully integrated with your social media accounts so you can reach all your existing and potential customers all the time.
Option of a website fully integrated with a CRM (customer relationship management) system that allows you to respond to inquiries, send emails, and keep your customers and their needs and wish lists organized. This translates to profit for you! You can also do all your invoicing, contracts, and so forth from here as well.
Option of a website that allows you to live chat with your customers. Never miss an interested sales party or breeding inquiry!
Option to access your database and website from your mobile phone! Or to get reports sent to you!
Your integrated website will allow you to cut your advertising budget!
Offset the Price even more!!
Ask about the barter option:
For a limited number breeders; you may have the option of doing a contract with price of the website to be applied to a horse from your program. This is limited since I am still growing my small breeding program. (Select Mares)
Examples of Websites I have designed and manage:
Fleetwood Quarter Horses - Alberta Quarter Horse Breeder
Growth & Gratitude - South Dakota Life Coach
Topline Quarter Horses - North Dakota Quarter Horse Breeder
Adair: 701.537.4272